EarthQuaker Devices

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While we’re all hunkered down at home, we wanted to take this time to peel back the curtain and show you some of the amazingly awesome, creative, handy people behind your favorite Devices. 

All of our pedals are hand-built by real, breathing humans in the beautiful landlocked city of Akron, Ohio. These real breathing humans have favorite foods, movies, podcasts, holidays, and even books. They like bands. They play instruments. They do really cool things in their free time that are as cool as building pedals. They are like, so freaking great, in every way, that we think the entire world needs to meet them. Virtually.

In our second installment, we want to introduce you to Joe Dennis: guitarist, singer, watercolor master, and Night Manager extraordinaire. (Only the most metal pedals are built at night).

How long have you been at EarthQuaker?

It’ll be five years in November 2020.

What’s a typical (non-quarantine) work day for you like?

I get there a little later than most others. Usually a little before 11am. Depending on which side of the building I park on, I’m greeted by either Joe Golden, Sam, or sometimes Ram. Sam says something nice about something I’m wearing and it makes my morning a little bit. 

I put my lunch in the fridge and get to work. First 30 mins to an hour, I take care of inventory stuff; I  make a list of what we need for the day and then I go get all the parts from the warehouse. The warehouse almost always has awesome music playing. If I cross paths with Leskanic, fist bumps.  

After inventory is good, I check in with my team, cue up my audiobook or podcast, and start building pedals. I’m either on population or ICs. Sometimes Jamie gives me prototypes to build, which is my favorite. Throughout the day, I assist other builders with various things, pet Elsa, shoot the breeze with Joe G. A typical day goes by super fast. About fifteen minutes before my shift ends, I do a walkthrough of the whole building and check doors and lights. If Tom is still there, I let him know I’m taking off and he locks up, unless Horak is there in which case, Horak locks up. If no one else is there at 9pm, I set the alarm and lock up. 

What instrument(s) do you play, and what band(s) are you in? 

I mainly play guitar and sing, although I don’t sing for any bands currently. My two main projects are Fringe Candidate and Emotional Support Pigs. And then a bunch of home recording solo project stuff, most of which no one but my dog will ever hear.

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What’s on your board?

Black Eye, Afterneath, Hummingbird, Dispatch Master, sometimes The Depths, Boxidizer, tuner.

Best concert you ever saw?

The COOLEST show I ever saw was the Monorchid and Warmers in 96 at Mama Joe’s pizza in Kent.

Best thing to eat in Akron?

Diamond Deli

Favorite band?


Favorite podcast?

The Glass Cannon Podcast, Reply All, Lexicon Valley

Favorite book?

A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

Favorite movie?


Coolest skill, besides pedal building?



Favorite holiday, and why?

Labor Day. No gifts, Monday off, grilled stuff... 

Do you have a pet?

Two cats: Black Carl and Peanut. One dog: Jerry. 

Cats are super sweet and not really bad at all. Carl is black and looks really cute in the snow. Peanut chirps at bugs. Jerry is terrified of the ironing board and nothing else that I’m aware of. 

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Best beauty tip?

Get plenty of sleep.

Favorite EarthQuaker pedal?

The Aqueduct is sweet.

Quarantine survival tips?

Stay home! Books are great. Star Trek: Picard, meals that take all day to prepare. Play guitar. Paint birds. Dogs are stoked you’re home. Be stoked for them.

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